1 Vignette Overview

This vignette extends the multiple imputation (MI) summary vignette, “Comparing Multiple Imputation Methods when Simulating an Academic Impact of COVID-19.” Here, we run a series of fixed-effects regression models to better understand the relationships among different indices of MI efficacy and both data and school characteristics (e.g., missingness type, school size, etc.). For a more detailed recap of the MI simulation, please see the summary vignette. In this simulation, a COVID-19 impact was incorporated into the synthetic data.

Our primary research questions can be stated as follows:

  • Is MI an appropriate method for creating “adjusted” scale scores and SGPs when data are missing?
  • If MI is indeed appropriate, which method is most effective and in what data contexts?

In this vignette, we fit linear or logistic fixed-effect regression models. Specifically, we use the fixest function (Berge, 2018) for fixed effects models. Fixed effects for grade and content area are included when appropriate. We also include fixed effects for the amputation number (AMP_N).

2 Raw Bias

In the following models, the dependent variable is the raw bias for either the scale scores or student growth percentiles (SPGs). Raw bias is calculated as the average difference between the true and imputed values.

2.1 Scale Scores

2.1.1 Grade and Content Area Level

## NOTE: 11,300 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 11,300).
## NOTE: 11,300 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 11,300).
Table 2.1: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score raw bias at the grade/content area level, all grade levels
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -4.211*** (0.7999) -4.230*** (0.7950)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -4.731*** (0.9200) -4.751*** (0.9151)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -4.782*** (0.9357) -4.802*** (0.9308)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -4.168*** (0.8905) -4.187*** (0.8855)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -3.833*** (0.6511) -3.853*** (0.6460)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -4.878*** (0.9830) -4.898*** (0.9781)
N 0.0598 (0.0835) 0.2640** (0.0795)
Percent_Missing 2.817*** (0.5010) -0.0825 (0.0572)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 3.711*** (0.5871) 3.782*** (0.5861)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 7.742*** (1.497) 7.789*** (1.492)
N x Percent_Missing -0.1359 (0.1548)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.2174 (0.1345)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.3001 (0.2234)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 2.312*** (0.3605)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 4.889*** (0.8985)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ __________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.32943 0.37060
Within Adj. R2 0.28489 0.32879
AIC 32,859,670.1 32,552,651.9
BIC 32,860,621.1 32,553,669.8


Figure 2.1: Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score raw bias at the grade/content area level

Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score raw bias at the grade/content area level

Figure 2.2: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 2.3: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

We can also subset the data to only observations from grades 5 through 8.

## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
Table 2.2: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score raw bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -6.383*** (0.7735) -6.389*** (0.7720)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -7.345*** (0.2733) -7.351*** (0.2720)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -7.435*** (0.2411) -7.441*** (0.2399)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -6.708*** (0.2410) -6.714*** (0.2396)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -5.681*** (0.2664) -5.687*** (0.2649)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -7.660*** (0.2225) -7.666*** (0.2213)
N 0.2181** (0.0601) 0.2304** (0.0551)
Percent_Missing 1.432*** (0.1402) -0.0328 (0.0496)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 2.086*** (0.1610) 2.130*** (0.1651)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 3.536*** (0.3705) 3.560*** (0.3719)
N x Percent_Missing 0.1932* (0.0651)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1033 (0.0705)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0967 (0.0824)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.281*** (0.0837)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 2.352*** (0.2630)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ __________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.20535 0.21959
Within Adj. R2 0.20221 0.21650
AIC 17,164,361.6 17,116,941.2
BIC 17,165,217.8 17,117,861.4


Figure 2.4: Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score raw bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score raw bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 2.5: Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Figure 2.6: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

2.1.2 School Level

## NOTE: 26 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 26).
## NOTE: 26 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 26).
Table 2.3: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score raw bias at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -4.773*** (0.0082) -4.773*** (0.0082)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -5.254*** (0.0093) -5.254*** (0.0093)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -5.332*** (0.0099) -5.332*** (0.0099)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -4.701*** (0.0096) -4.701*** (0.0096)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -4.367*** (0.0121) -4.367*** (0.0121)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -5.423*** (0.0105) -5.423*** (0.0105)
N -0.5926*** (0.0048) 0.1078*** (0.0055)
Percent_Missing 2.480*** (0.0107) -0.0128 (0.0134)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 3.741*** (0.0152) 3.781*** (0.0150)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 7.806*** (0.0217) 7.805*** (0.0212)
N x Percent_Missing -0.4824*** (0.0075)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.7213*** (0.0106)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -1.610*** (0.0101)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.932*** (0.0140)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 4.276*** (0.0196)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
R2 0.53237 0.61398
Within Adj. R2 0.53228 0.61391
AIC 4,174,395.7 4,034,251.8
BIC 4,175,085.9 4,034,999.4


Figure 2.7: Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score raw bias at the school level

Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score raw bias at the school level

Figure 2.8: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 2.9: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

2.2 SGPs

2.2.1 Grade and Content Area Level

## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
Table 2.4: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP raw bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -0.0047 (0.2384) -0.0037 (0.2385)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -0.1062 (0.1935) -0.1053 (0.1937)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -0.3006 (0.2453) -0.2997 (0.2454)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -0.2234 (0.1960) -0.2224 (0.1961)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -0.4355. (0.2193) -0.4345. (0.2194)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -0.4186 (0.2476) -0.4177 (0.2476)
N 0.4248*** (0.0634) 0.4516*** (0.0550)
Percent_Missing 0.2849** (0.0759) -0.1453** (0.0384)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.0502 (0.0610) -0.0386 (0.0730)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0228 (0.0826) 0.0495 (0.0958)
N x Percent_Missing 0.3217** (0.0639)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1192 (0.0812)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0421 (0.0911)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.4724*** (0.0799)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.5323** (0.1001)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ __________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.00489 0.00678
Within Adj. R2 0.00418 0.00608
AIC 17,491,972.0 17,486,977.8
BIC 17,492,828.3 17,487,898.0


Figure 2.10: Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP raw bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP raw bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 2.11: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 2.12: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

2.2.2 School Level

## NOTE: 299 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 299).
## NOTE: 299 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 299).
Table 2.5: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP raw bias at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -0.0996*** (0.0100) -0.0985*** (0.0100)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -0.1757*** (0.0085) -0.1746*** (0.0085)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -0.5214*** (0.0089) -0.5203*** (0.0089)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -0.3249*** (0.0091) -0.3238*** (0.0091)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -0.5987*** (0.0092) -0.5976*** (0.0092)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -0.6331*** (0.0095) -0.6320*** (0.0095)
N 0.2648*** (0.0043) 0.2936*** (0.0057)
Percent_Missing 0.2152*** (0.0092) -0.1814*** (0.0112)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.0963*** (0.0085) -0.0791*** (0.0083)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0618*** (0.0074) 0.0779*** (0.0073)
N x Percent_Missing 0.2754*** (0.0077)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1023*** (0.0104)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.0119 (0.0089)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.4013*** (0.0171)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.6431*** (0.0158)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
R2 0.00674 0.01127
Within Adj. R2 0.00669 0.01122
AIC 4,442,686.2 4,439,355.6
BIC 4,443,376.3 4,440,103.2


Figure 2.13: Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP raw bias at the school level

Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP raw bias at the school level

Figure 2.14: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 2.15: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

2.3 Random Effects Models

We introduce a random intercept for school number to account for the hierarchical nature of the data. We begin with a relatively simple model using only additive fixed effects. The mixed-effects models are run with the lme4 package (Bates et al., 2015).

## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: SS_Raw_Bias ~ IMP_METHOD_REF + N + Percent_Missing + MISS_TYPE +  
##    Data: MIsummary.GC.Eval
## REML criterion at convergence: 605454.9
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -6.9722 -0.5481 -0.0391  0.4934 12.1680 
## Random effects:
##  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  SCHOOL_NUMBER (Intercept)  5.344   2.312   
##  Residual                  29.481   5.430   
## Number of obs: 97146, groups:  SCHOOL_NUMBER, 232
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)               6.75710    0.16562  40.798
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN_LONG -4.26681    0.06518 -65.461
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN      -4.78725    0.06518 -73.446
## IMP_METHOD_REFRQ         -4.83797    0.06518 -74.224
## IMP_METHOD_REFRF         -4.22370    0.06518 -64.800
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PMM      -3.88882    0.06518 -59.662
## IMP_METHOD_REFPMM        -4.93396    0.06518 -75.696
## N                        -0.12241    0.04250  -2.880
## Percent_Missing           2.53218    0.01993 127.061
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG   3.72206    0.04267  87.225
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH  7.76963    0.04268 182.041
## GRADE4                   -0.37738    0.05179  -7.286
## GRADE5                   -3.92084    0.05207 -75.295
## GRADE6                   -5.22147    0.06384 -81.792
## GRADE7                   -6.33051    0.10345 -61.195
## GRADE8                   -6.43708    0.10346 -62.218
## CONTENT_AREAMATHEMATICS   0.08046    0.03484   2.309
## Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 17 > 12.
## Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
##     vcov(x)        if you need it
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: SGP_Raw_Bias ~ IMP_METHOD_REF + N + Percent_Missing + MISS_TYPE +  
##    Data: MIsummary.GC.Eval
## REML criterion at convergence: 313236.8
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -9.3759 -0.4987  0.0036  0.4952  8.3462 
## Random effects:
##  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  SCHOOL_NUMBER (Intercept) 11.65    3.413   
##  Residual                  22.26    4.718   
## Number of obs: 52542, groups:  SCHOOL_NUMBER, 227
## Fixed effects:
##                           Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)               0.499190   0.238216   2.096
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN_LONG  0.002207   0.077011   0.029
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN      -0.099370   0.077011  -1.290
## IMP_METHOD_REFRQ         -0.293745   0.077011  -3.814
## IMP_METHOD_REFRF         -0.216519   0.077011  -2.812
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PMM      -0.428608   0.077011  -5.566
## IMP_METHOD_REFPMM        -0.411747   0.077011  -5.347
## N                         0.196208   0.081309   2.413
## Percent_Missing           0.049037   0.023734   2.066
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG  -0.041924   0.050423  -0.831
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH  0.036095   0.050445   0.716
## GRADE6                   -0.759336   0.062262 -12.196
## GRADE7                   -2.339532   0.111801 -20.926
## GRADE8                   -2.432753   0.112073 -21.707
## CONTENT_AREAMATHEMATICS   0.049679   0.041164   1.207
## Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 15 > 12.
## Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
##     vcov(x)        if you need it

3 Absolute Bias

Here, the dependent variable is absolute bias, computed by taking the absolute value of the raw bias (for either the scale scores or SGPs). In the additive models, a quadratic term for grade/content area or school size (N) is added based on previous figures indicating a curved relationship between bias and N.

3.1 Scale Scores

3.1.1 Grade and Content Area Level

The first set of models includes all grades (i.e., grade 3 through 8).

## NOTE: 11,300 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 11,300).
## NOTE: 11,300 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 11,300).
Table 3.1: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, all grade levels
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -3.480*** (0.4123) -3.494*** (0.4090)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -4.614*** (0.7488) -4.629*** (0.7458)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -4.300*** (0.6550) -4.315*** (0.6520)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -4.384*** (0.7765) -4.399*** (0.7735)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -3.853*** (0.5425) -3.868*** (0.5394)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -4.291*** (0.6693) -4.306*** (0.6663)
N -0.9817*** (0.1089) -0.8172*** (0.0870)
I(I(N^2)) 0.1685*** (0.0286)
Percent_Missing 3.587*** (0.4346) 1.802*** (0.1058)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.829*** (0.2527) 1.834*** (0.2519)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 5.310*** (1.108) 5.260*** (1.104)
N x Percent_Missing -0.4978** (0.1179)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1187 (0.0731)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.3223. (0.1741)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.168*** (0.1815)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 3.342*** (0.7368)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.41474 0.44544
Within Adj. R2 0.38271 0.41510
AIC 30,660,076.0 30,398,910.0
BIC 30,661,040.3 30,399,927.9


Figure 3.1: Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level

Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level

Figure 3.2: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 3.3: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

We can also subset the data to only observations from grades 5 through 8.

## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
Table 3.2: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -4.628*** (0.3246) -4.633*** (0.3239)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -6.725*** (0.1889) -6.730*** (0.1887)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -6.123*** (0.2065) -6.128*** (0.2063)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -6.585*** (0.1624) -6.590*** (0.1620)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -5.357*** (0.2498) -5.362*** (0.2493)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -6.148*** (0.2124) -6.153*** (0.2121)
N -0.9734*** (0.1581) -0.7821*** (0.0720)
I(I(N^2)) 0.1645** (0.0426)
Percent_Missing 2.398*** (0.1299) 1.660*** (0.1169)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.144*** (0.0265) 1.140*** (0.0352)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 2.229*** (0.0828) 2.178*** (0.0833)
N x Percent_Missing -0.3079** (0.0759)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1397* (0.0530)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.3138** (0.0710)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.6422*** (0.0315)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 1.260*** (0.0762)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.33926 0.34496
Within Adj. R2 0.33494 0.34068
AIC 15,668,441.0 15,645,705.8
BIC 15,669,310.1 15,646,626.0


Figure 3.4: Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 3.5: Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Figure 3.6: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

3.1.2 School Level

## NOTE: 26 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 26).
## NOTE: 26 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 26).
Table 3.3: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score absolute bias at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -4.446*** (0.0081) -4.446*** (0.0081)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -5.209*** (0.0098) -5.209*** (0.0098)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -4.932*** (0.0107) -4.932*** (0.0107)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -4.698*** (0.0093) -4.698*** (0.0093)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -4.227*** (0.0114) -4.227*** (0.0114)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -4.971*** (0.0111) -4.971*** (0.0111)
N -1.004*** (0.0072) -0.3040*** (0.0029)
I(I(N^2)) 0.0962*** (0.0010)
Percent_Missing 2.680*** (0.0087) 0.7608*** (0.0062)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 2.479*** (0.0127) 2.506*** (0.0128)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 6.358*** (0.0201) 6.346*** (0.0197)
N x Percent_Missing -0.5357*** (0.0057)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.3496*** (0.0070)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -1.019*** (0.0080)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.259*** (0.0119)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 3.513*** (0.0180)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
R2 0.56441 0.63224
Within Adj. R2 0.56433 0.63217
AIC 3,985,182.4 3,861,490.0
BIC 3,985,884.1 3,862,237.6


Figure 3.7: Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score absolute bias at the school level

Coefficient plot, additive models for scale score absolute bias at the school level

Figure 3.8: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 3.9: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

3.2 SGPs

3.2.1 Grade and Content Area Level

## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
Table 3.4: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG 0.3374. (0.1435) 0.3340. (0.1436)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -0.9210*** (0.1394) -0.9243*** (0.1393)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ 0.0892 (0.3153) 0.0858 (0.3151)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -0.9116** (0.2016) -0.9149** (0.2015)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM 0.2093 (0.3296) 0.2060 (0.3294)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM 0.0873 (0.3179) 0.0839 (0.3177)
N -1.647*** (0.2902) -1.040*** (0.1012)
I(I(N^2)) 0.2647** (0.0666)
Percent_Missing 2.187*** (0.0752) 2.037*** (0.1035)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.5630*** (0.0238) 0.5694*** (0.0280)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.5948*** (0.0487) 0.5773*** (0.0538)
N x Percent_Missing -0.5447** (0.1196)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.1652. (0.0828)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.1185 (0.1118)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1717* (0.0520)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.2767** (0.0788)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.24939 0.24848
Within Adj. R2 0.24509 0.24417
AIC 15,053,235.1 15,056,428.9
BIC 15,054,104.1 15,057,349.1


Figure 3.10: Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 3.11: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 3.12: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

3.2.2 School Level

## NOTE: 299 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 299).
## NOTE: 299 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 299).
Table 3.5: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP absolute bias at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG 0.7479*** (0.0081) 0.7467*** (0.0081)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -0.2217*** (0.0087) -0.2229*** (0.0087)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ 0.8704*** (0.0103) 0.8692*** (0.0103)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -0.0033 (0.0092) -0.0045 (0.0092)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM 0.9477*** (0.0089) 0.9465*** (0.0089)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM 0.8830*** (0.0098) 0.8818*** (0.0098)
N -1.316*** (0.0056) -0.7466*** (0.0046)
I(I(N^2)) 0.1443*** (0.0008)
Percent_Missing 1.457*** (0.0054) 1.376*** (0.0098)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.5648*** (0.0101) 0.5512*** (0.0102)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.5472*** (0.0095) 0.5285*** (0.0094)
N x Percent_Missing -0.4856*** (0.0047)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.2797*** (0.0071)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.2190*** (0.0067)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.0240* (0.0111)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0420*** (0.0116)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
R2 0.24380 0.24017
Within Adj. R2 0.24373 0.24010
AIC 3,786,128.6 3,789,633.9
BIC 3,786,830.1 3,790,381.5


Figure 3.13: Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP absolute bias at the school level

Coefficient plot, additive models for SGP absolute bias at the school level

Figure 3.14: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 3.15: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

3.3 Random Effects Models

We introduce a random intercept for school number to account for the hierarchical nature of the data.

## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: abs(SS_Raw_Bias) ~ IMP_METHOD_REF + N + Percent_Missing + MISS_TYPE +  
##    Data: MIsummary.GC.Eval
## REML criterion at convergence: 577609.8
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -7.0316 -0.5745 -0.0719  0.4538 13.3585 
## Random effects:
##  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  SCHOOL_NUMBER (Intercept)  3.161   1.778   
##  Residual                  22.145   4.706   
## Number of obs: 97146, groups:  SCHOOL_NUMBER, 232
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)               7.03863    0.13008   54.11
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN_LONG -3.40709    0.05649  -60.31
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN      -4.25093    0.05649  -75.25
## IMP_METHOD_REFRQ         -3.60612    0.05649  -63.83
## IMP_METHOD_REFRF         -3.78637    0.05649  -67.03
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PMM      -3.27434    0.05649  -57.96
## IMP_METHOD_REFPMM        -3.56943    0.05649  -63.18
## N                        -0.21698    0.03647   -5.95
## Percent_Missing           3.09985    0.01726  179.56
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG   2.63184    0.03698   71.16
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH  6.53136    0.03699  176.56
## GRADE4                   -0.49435    0.04489  -11.01
## GRADE5                   -2.90312    0.04513  -64.33
## GRADE6                   -3.39308    0.05526  -61.40
## GRADE7                   -3.69397    0.08924  -41.40
## GRADE8                   -3.35159    0.08925  -37.55
## CONTENT_AREAMATHEMATICS   0.36670    0.03020   12.14
## Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 17 > 12.
## Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
##     vcov(x)        if you need it
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: 
## abs(SGP_Raw_Bias) ~ IMP_METHOD_REF + N + Percent_Missing + MISS_TYPE +  
##    Data: MIsummary.GC.Eval
## REML criterion at convergence: 270887.4
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.8165 -0.5757 -0.0685  0.4428 13.0049 
## Random effects:
##  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  SCHOOL_NUMBER (Intercept) 2.526    1.589   
##  Residual                  9.969    3.157   
## Number of obs: 52542, groups:  SCHOOL_NUMBER, 227
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)               2.00377    0.11637  17.219
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN_LONG  0.96007    0.05154  18.628
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PAN       0.05552    0.05154   1.077
## IMP_METHOD_REFRQ          1.68236    0.05154  32.642
## IMP_METHOD_REFRF          0.37734    0.05154   7.321
## IMP_METHOD_REFL2PMM       1.67852    0.05154  32.567
## IMP_METHOD_REFPMM         1.67868    0.05154  32.570
## N                        -0.42208    0.05091  -8.291
## Percent_Missing           1.75076    0.01586 110.385
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG   0.70191    0.03375  20.800
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH  0.91930    0.03376  27.230
## GRADE6                    0.67067    0.04145  16.179
## GRADE7                    0.36990    0.07273   5.086
## GRADE8                    0.92720    0.07291  12.716
## CONTENT_AREAMATHEMATICS   0.42525    0.02755  15.436
## Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 15 > 12.
## Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
##     vcov(x)        if you need it

4 Percent Bias

In the following models, percent bias is dichotomized such that 1 indicates an observation with percent bias less than five, and 0 otherwise. Then, a series of logistic regression models are fit, examining the factors associated with a percent bias value lower than the 5% threshold (Miri et al., 2020; Qi et al., 2010).

4.1 Scale Scores

4.1.1 Grade and Content Area Level

The first set of models includes all grades (i.e., grade 3 through 8).

## NOTE: 11,300 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 11,300).
## NOTE: 11,300 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 11,300).
Table 4.1: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score percent bias classification at the grade/content area level, all grade levels
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG 1.608*** (0.1583) 1.613*** (0.1597)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN 2.230*** (0.4161) 2.232*** (0.4122)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ 2.226*** (0.4040) 2.229*** (0.4002)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF 2.078*** (0.4139) 2.082*** (0.4108)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM 2.085*** (0.3639) 2.088*** (0.3612)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM 2.209*** (0.4076) 2.211*** (0.4040)
N 0.3524*** (0.0326) 2.236*** (0.2634)
Percent_Missing -2.811*** (0.1287) -4.065*** (0.1652)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -1.045*** (0.1108) -2.813*** (0.3098)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -3.118*** (0.1845) -4.728*** (0.3591)
N x Percent_Missing -0.6216*** (0.0789)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.6421*** (0.1704)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -1.287*** (0.2033)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.313*** (0.1837)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 1.154*** (0.2217)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
Convergence TRUE TRUE
AIC 707,746.7 700,729.1
BIC 708,697.7 701,747.1


Figure 4.1: Coefficient plot, additive model for scale score percent bias classification at the grade/content area level

Coefficient plot, additive model for scale score percent bias classification at the grade/content area level

Figure 4.2: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 4.3: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

We can also subset the data to only observations from grades 5 through 8.

## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
Table 4.2: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score percent bias classification at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG 1.808*** (0.2566) 1.789*** (0.2545)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN 5.363*** (0.4232) 5.312*** (0.4200)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ 4.897*** (0.5608) 4.847*** (0.5565)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF 4.826*** (0.2592) 4.777*** (0.2573)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM 3.785*** (0.3947) 3.741*** (0.3895)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM 4.909*** (0.5817) 4.860*** (0.5772)
N 0.4647*** (0.0759) 2.166*** (0.2198)
Percent_Missing -2.489*** (0.1103) -3.665*** (0.3235)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -1.201*** (0.1678) -2.335*** (0.4236)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -2.298*** (0.1936) -3.947*** (0.5961)
N x Percent_Missing -0.4191* (0.1793)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.8481*** (0.2309)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -1.439*** (0.2607)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.9304*** (0.2159)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 1.291*** (0.3081)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
Convergence TRUE TRUE
AIC 199,419.3 197,537.9
BIC 200,275.5 198,458.0


Figure 4.4: Coefficient plot, additive model for scale score percent bias classification at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, additive model for scale score percent bias classification at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 4.5: Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Figure 4.6: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

4.1.2 School Level

## NOTE: 26 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 26).
## NOTE: 26 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 26).
Table 4.3: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score percent bias classification at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG 2.951*** (0.0383) 2.969*** (0.0375)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN 4.121*** (0.0389) 4.135*** (0.0385)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ 4.006*** (0.0398) 4.020*** (0.0392)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF 3.530*** (0.0391) 3.545*** (0.0382)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM 3.447*** (0.0396) 3.464*** (0.0395)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM 4.054*** (0.0410) 4.068*** (0.0411)
N 0.7901*** (0.0248) -0.0537 (0.0451)
Percent_Missing -3.859*** (0.0411) 0.0009 (0.0043)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -14.19*** (0.0506) -11.92*** (0.1276)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -17.52*** (0.0183) -14.82*** (0.0478)
N x Percent_Missing -0.3807*** (0.0610)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 2.365*** (0.1168)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 1.268*** (0.0495)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -3.540*** (0.0709)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -4.085*** (0.0353)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
Convergence TRUE TRUE
AIC 37,627.8 37,419.9
BIC 38,317.9 38,167.5


Figure 4.7: Coefficient plot, additive model for scale score percent bias classification at the school level

Coefficient plot, additive model for scale score percent bias classification at the school level

Figure 4.8: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 4.9: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

4.2 SGPs

4.2.1 Grade and Content Area Level

## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
## NOTE: 4,460 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 4,460).
Table 4.4: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP percent bias classification at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -0.3293*** (0.0402) -0.3299*** (0.0401)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN 0.0864*** (0.0235) 0.0861*** (0.0235)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -0.3564*** (0.1066) -0.3570*** (0.1066)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF 0.1112* (0.0525) 0.1108* (0.0525)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -0.4385*** (0.1117) -0.4393*** (0.1117)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -0.3562** (0.1117) -0.3568** (0.1117)
N 0.4209*** (0.0726) 0.4354*** (0.0730)
Percent_Missing -0.7939*** (0.0123) -0.7552*** (0.0116)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.0578* (0.0268) -0.0621* (0.0258)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.0849*** (0.0197) -0.0823*** (0.0230)
N x Percent_Missing -0.1052*** (0.0169)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.0004 (0.0244)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.0706** (0.0259)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.0434** (0.0161)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.0374 (0.0271)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
Convergence TRUE TRUE
AIC 3,143,574.3 3,141,265.4
BIC 3,144,430.5 3,142,185.5


Figure 4.10: Coefficient plot, additive model for SGP percent bias classification at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, additive model for SGP percent bias classification at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 4.11: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 4.12: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

4.2.2 School Level

## NOTE: 299 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 299).
## NOTE: 299 observations removed because of NA values (LHS: 299).
Table 4.5: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP percent bias classification at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN_LONG -0.5914*** (0.0075) -0.5913*** (0.0075)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PAN -0.0033 (0.0073) -0.0037 (0.0072)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RQ -0.6874*** (0.0065) -0.6876*** (0.0065)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)RF -0.1445*** (0.0070) -0.1445*** (0.0069)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)L2PMM -0.7487*** (0.0086) -0.7491*** (0.0086)
i(var=IMP_METHOD_REF,ref=TRUE)PMM -0.6888*** (0.0072) -0.6890*** (0.0072)
N 0.6187*** (0.0033) 0.6639*** (0.0071)
Percent_Missing -0.7776*** (0.0030) -0.8655*** (0.0078)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.1319*** (0.0072) -0.1295*** (0.0073)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.1812*** (0.0076) -0.1871*** (0.0074)
N x Percent_Missing -0.1122*** (0.0047)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.0094 (0.0088)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.0621*** (0.0092)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.0822*** (0.0081)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0896*** (0.0095)
Fixed-Effects: ——————- ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
Convergence TRUE TRUE
AIC 869,254.8 868,226.8
BIC 869,944.8 868,974.4


Figure 4.13: Coefficient plot, additive model for SGP percent bias classification at the school level

Coefficient plot, additive model for SGP percent bias classification at the school level

Figure 4.14: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 4.15: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

5 Cross-Sectional L2PAN

For the final set of models, we examine factors influencing absolute scale score and SGP bias only among data imputed using cross-sectional L2PAN.

5.1 Scale Scores

5.1.1 Grade and Content Area Level

The first set of models includes all grades (i.e., grade 3 through 8).

Table 5.1: L2PAN: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, all grade levels
Additive Model Interaction Model
N -1.036*** (0.1441) -0.7433*** (0.0937)
I(I(N^2)) 0.1824*** (0.0374)
Percent_Missing 2.926*** (0.5607) 1.444*** (0.1367)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.163** (0.3127) 1.177** (0.3135)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 4.365** (1.325) 4.319** (1.314)
N x Percent_Missing -0.5175** (0.1457)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.0038 (0.0851)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.1322 (0.2021)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.8259** (0.2249)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 2.935** (0.8798)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.42955 0.46409
Within Adj. R2 0.34403 0.38374
AIC 4,171,923.8 4,128,599.4
BIC 4,172,679.5 4,129,400.9


Figure 5.1: Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level

Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level

Figure 5.2: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 5.3: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

We can also subset the data to only observations from grades 5 through 8.

Table 5.2: L2PAN: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
N -1.054*** (0.1940) -0.7101*** (0.0704)
I(I(N^2)) 0.1785** (0.0499)
Percent_Missing 1.390*** (0.1059) 1.161*** (0.0870)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.3229*** (0.0448) 0.3184*** (0.0457)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.6910*** (0.1101) 0.6643*** (0.1097)
N x Percent_Missing -0.2824* (0.0938)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.0109 (0.0539)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0663 (0.0856)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1674** (0.0457)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.4485** (0.0833)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.25909 0.25820
Within Adj. R2 0.24588 0.24497
AIC 1,808,290.1 1,808,750.9
BIC 1,808,961.9 1,809,466.1


Figure 5.4: Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for scale score absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 5.5: Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, additive model, grades 5 through 8

Figure 5.6: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model, grades 5 through 8

5.1.2 School Level

Table 5.3: L2PAN: Fixed-effect regression models for scale score absolute bias at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
N -1.229*** (0.0071) -0.3834*** (0.0037)
I(I(N^2)) 0.1118*** (0.0009)
Percent_Missing 2.051*** (0.0092) 0.5970*** (0.0075)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 1.515*** (0.0129) 1.528*** (0.0130)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 4.961*** (0.0193) 4.939*** (0.0189)
N x Percent_Missing -0.6365*** (0.0053)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.4403*** (0.0078)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -1.273*** (0.0088)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.7713*** (0.0136)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 2.815*** (0.0195)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
R2 0.50375 0.59597
Within Adj. R2 0.50360 0.59583
AIC 530,476.4 509,020.8
BIC 531,001.9 509,584.6


Figure 5.7: Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for scale score absolute bias at the school level

Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for scale score absolute bias at the school level

Figure 5.8: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 5.9: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

5.2 SGPs

5.2.1 Grade and Content Area Level

Table 5.4: L2PAN: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8
Additive Model Interaction Model
N -1.603** (0.2975) -1.038*** (0.0956)
I(I(N^2)) 0.2617** (0.0748)
Percent_Missing 1.733*** (0.0694) 1.598*** (0.0918)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.4835*** (0.0740) 0.4818*** (0.0765)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.6581*** (0.1056) 0.6333*** (0.1072)
N x Percent_Missing -0.4414* (0.1340)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.0816 (0.0806)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.0258 (0.1059)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.1295 (0.0855)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.2678* (0.0978)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ __________________
S.E.: Clustered by: CON.^GRA. by: CON.^GRA.
R2 0.24245 0.23847
Within Adj. R2 0.23687 0.23285
AIC 2,011,334.0 2,013,311.4
BIC 2,012,005.8 2,014,026.5


Figure 5.10: Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for SGP absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for SGP absolute bias at the grade/content area level, grades 5 through 8

Figure 5.11: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 5.12: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

5.2.2 School Level

Table 5.5: L2PAN: Fixed-effect regression models for SGP absolute bias at the school level
Additive Model Interaction Model
N -1.331*** (0.0066) -0.7850*** (0.0067)
I(I(N^2)) 0.1472*** (0.0009)
Percent_Missing 1.164*** (0.0068) 1.093*** (0.0119)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.5164*** (0.0132) 0.5031*** (0.0132)
MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.6416*** (0.0133) 0.6236*** (0.0132)
N x Percent_Missing -0.4590*** (0.0053)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG -0.2140*** (0.0094)
N x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH -0.1685*** (0.0087)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG 0.0057 (0.0136)
Percent_Missing x MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH 0.0428** (0.0138)
Fixed-Effects: —————— ——————-
AMP_N Yes Yes
________________________________________ __________________ ___________________
S.E.: Clustered by: AMP_N by: AMP_N
R2 0.26371 0.25437
Within Adj. R2 0.26353 0.25416
AIC 494,973.8 496,297.2
BIC 495,499.4 496,861.0


Figure 5.13: Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for SGP absolute bias at the school level

Coefficient plot, L2PAN additive models for SGP absolute bias at the school level

Figure 5.14: Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Fixed effects estimates, additive model

Figure 5.15: Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

Fixed effects estimates, interaction model

5.3 Random Effects Models

We introduce a random intercept for school number to account for the hierarchical nature of the data.

## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: abs(SS_Raw_Bias) ~ N + Percent_Missing + MISS_TYPE + GRADE +  
##    Data: l2pan.GC.Eval
## REML criterion at convergence: 79181
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -5.3986 -0.5932 -0.1025  0.4763 11.4303 
## Random effects:
##  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  SCHOOL_NUMBER (Intercept)  3.009   1.735   
##  Residual                  16.871   4.107   
## Number of obs: 13878, groups:  SCHOOL_NUMBER, 232
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)               4.26178    0.15128  28.171
## N                        -0.28436    0.07147  -3.979
## Percent_Missing           2.54639    0.03945  64.554
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG   1.88806    0.08541  22.107
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH  5.50547    0.08542  64.449
## GRADE4                   -0.56714    0.10355  -5.477
## GRADE5                   -4.45360    0.10408 -42.791
## GRADE6                   -4.73850    0.12520 -37.848
## GRADE7                   -5.14284    0.19121 -26.896
## GRADE8                   -5.00958    0.19125 -26.194
## CONTENT_AREAMATHEMATICS   0.22402    0.06973   3.213
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                    (Intr) N      Prcn_M MISS_TYPESTATUS__D MISS_TYPESTATUS__G
## N                  -0.069                                                    
## Prcnt_Mssng         0.005  0.006                                             
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__D -0.282  0.000 -0.008                                      
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__G -0.282  0.000 -0.021  0.500                               
## GRADE4             -0.337  0.013 -0.004  0.000              0.000            
## GRADE5             -0.337  0.020 -0.003  0.000              0.000            
## GRADE6             -0.341  0.036  0.002  0.000              0.000            
## GRADE7             -0.314  0.185  0.012  0.000              0.000            
## GRADE8             -0.314  0.183  0.008  0.000              0.000            
## CONTENT_ARE        -0.230  0.000  0.000  0.000              0.000            
##                    GRADE4 GRADE5 GRADE6 GRADE7 GRADE8
## N                                                    
## Prcnt_Mssng                                          
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__D                                   
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__G                                   
## GRADE4                                               
## GRADE5              0.492                            
## GRADE6              0.407  0.408                     
## GRADE7              0.262  0.270  0.421              
## GRADE8              0.262  0.269  0.421  0.575       
## CONTENT_ARE         0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: abs(SGP_Raw_Bias) ~ N + Percent_Missing + MISS_TYPE + GRADE +  
##    Data: l2pan.GC.Eval
## REML criterion at convergence: 35507.7
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -4.0776 -0.5689 -0.0569  0.4210  9.1465 
## Random effects:
##  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  SCHOOL_NUMBER (Intercept) 1.510    1.229   
##  Residual                  6.207    2.491   
## Number of obs: 7506, groups:  SCHOOL_NUMBER, 227
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)               2.34118    0.10840  21.597
## N                        -0.51924    0.06995  -7.423
## Percent_Missing           1.41083    0.03260  43.275
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_DEMOG   0.81196    0.07045  11.526
## MISS_TYPESTATUS_w_GROWTH  1.18504    0.07048  16.815
## GRADE6                    0.37593    0.08279   4.541
## GRADE7                    0.01595    0.12906   0.124
## GRADE8                    0.08622    0.12938   0.666
## CONTENT_AREAMATHEMATICS   0.02165    0.05751   0.376
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                    (Intr) N      Prcn_M MISS_TYPESTATUS__D MISS_TYPESTATUS__G
## N                  -0.108                                                    
## Prcnt_Mssng         0.009  0.020                                             
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__D -0.325  0.000 -0.017                                      
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__G -0.325 -0.001 -0.033  0.500                               
## GRADE6             -0.308  0.032  0.006  0.000              0.000            
## GRADE7             -0.303  0.306  0.022  0.000             -0.001            
## GRADE8             -0.304  0.306  0.016  0.000             -0.001            
## CONTENT_ARE        -0.265  0.000  0.000  0.000              0.000            
##                    GRADE6 GRADE7 GRADE8
## N                                      
## Prcnt_Mssng                            
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__D                     
## MISS_TYPESTATUS__G                     
## GRADE6                                 
## GRADE7              0.458              
## GRADE8              0.460  0.655       
## CONTENT_ARE         0.000  0.000  0.000

6 References and Helpful R Resources