class: center, middle, my-title, title-slide .title[ # Software Preparations ] .subtitle[ ## Data Visualization and Analysis in the Era of COVID-19 ] .author[ ### Damian Betebenner, Adam VanIwaarden & Nathan Dadey ] .institute[ ### Center for Assessment ] .date[ ### March 3rd, 2022 (updated: April 20th, 2022) ] --- class: inverse, center, middle
# Required Software --- # R -- ## We do all of our data analysis using the [R Software Environment]( -- - We assume that you all have some familiarity with using R. -- - If you don't already have R installed, please go ahead and install it from [CRAN]( picking the version that goes with your operating systems. - If you have R installed but have an older version (pre 4.1), now is a good time to update the version that you're using. - Many of you familiar with R probably use the [RStudio development environment]( instead of the default user interface provided with R. --- # R Packages ## One of R's greatest strengths is its extensibility. -- - One can create their own R packages that contain custom data and code to do just about anything. -- - Over the last 15 years, we have done growth analyses for more than two dozen states using R and the [SGP Package]( for calculating student growth percentiles and percentile growth trajectories. -- - Packages can be distributed via the [Central R Archive Network]( (CRAN). As of today there are 19,014 packages on CRAN. -- - Many amazing R packages are currently being built and distributed using [GitHub]( Developing and allowing others to install packages from GitHub is by far the best way to do serious data analysis with R. -- - This presentation was created using the R package [Xaringan]( -- - Have any of you created an R package? --- # Required R packages for this training session ## We will need a few packages for this training session. -- - [SGP Package on CRAN]( or the more current [SGP Package on GitHub]( - [SGPdata Package on CRAN]( or the more updated [SGPdata Package on GitHub]( - [cfaTools package on GitHub]( (There isn't a CRAN version of this package yet.) --- # Let's install the SGP package ### To install the SGP package from CRAN and GitHub use the following commands (you can copy and past them into your R development environement of choice) ### RStudio has several pull down menu options in its IDE that (essentially) runs the following commands for you. ### CRAN ```r install.packages("SGP") ``` ### GitHub ```r remotes::install_github("centerforassessment/SGP") ``` --- # Let's install the SGPdata package ### CRAN ```r install.packages("SGPdata") ``` ### GitHub ```r remotes::install_github("centerforassessment/SGPdata") ``` --- # Let's install the cfaTools package ### Not available on CRAN ### GitHub ```r remotes::install_github("centerforassessment/cfaTools") ``` --- # Let's install the rest of the packages ```r install.packages(c("data.table", "VIM", "mice", "miceadds", "ggplot2", "lme4", "merTools", "gghighlight")) ```