This is the initial release of the SGPdata package. The SGPdata package supports the SGP package by providing users with exemplar data sets to assist in the preparation of their data for SGP analyses.

The initial release contains two exemplar data sets: sgpData and sgpData_LONG.

The data set sgpData is an anonymized, panel data set comprisong 5 years of annual assessment data in WIDE format. This exemplar data set specifies the format for data used with the lower level studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections functions.

> head(sgpData)
Key: <ID>
        ID GRADE_2020 GRADE_2021 GRADE_2022 GRADE_2023 GRADE_2024 SS_2020 SS_2021 SS_2022 SS_2023 SS_2024
     <int>      <num>      <num>      <num>      <num>      <num>   <num>   <num>   <num>   <num>   <num>
1: 1000185         NA         NA         NA         NA          7      NA      NA      NA      NA     520
2: 1000486          3          4          5          6          7     524     548     607     592     656
3: 1000710          8         NA         NA         NA         NA     713      NA      NA      NA      NA
4: 1000715         NA         NA          4          5          6      NA      NA     469     492     551
5: 1000803         NA          5         NA         NA         NA      NA     558      NA      NA      NA
6: 1000957          5          6          7          8         NA     651     660     666     663      NA

The data set sgpData_LONG is an anonymized, panel data set comprisong 5 years of annual assessment data in LONG format. This exemplar data set specifies the format for data used with the higher level functions abcSGP, prepareSGP, analyzeSGP, combineSGP, summarizeSGP, visualizeSGP, and outputSGP

> head(sgpData_LONG)
       <char>       <char>    <char>  <char>    <fctr>     <fctr> <char>       <num>               <char>       <fctr>    <fctr>                    <fctr>     <fctr>     <fctr>                             <fctr>         <int>                       <fctr>     <fctr>           <int>                       <fctr>                   <fctr>                     <fctr>                  <fctr>
1: VALID_CASE  MATHEMATICS 2021_2022 1000372   Daniels      Corey      3         435           Proficient Gender: Male  Hispanic   Free Reduced Lunch: Yes   ELL: Yes    IEP: No    Gifted and Talented Program: No          1851 Silk-Royal Elementary School Elementary             470 Apple Valley School District     Enrolled School: Yes     Enrolled District: Yes     Enrolled State: Yes
2: VALID_CASE  MATHEMATICS 2022_2023 1000372   Daniels      Corey      4         461           Proficient Gender: Male  Hispanic   Free Reduced Lunch: Yes   ELL: Yes    IEP: No    Gifted and Talented Program: No          1851 Silk-Royal Elementary School Elementary             470 Apple Valley School District     Enrolled School: Yes     Enrolled District: Yes     Enrolled State: Yes
3: VALID_CASE  MATHEMATICS 2023_2024 1000372   Daniels      Corey      5         444 Partially Proficient Gender: Male  Hispanic   Free Reduced Lunch: Yes   ELL: Yes    IEP: No    Gifted and Talented Program: No          1851 Silk-Royal Elementary School Elementary             470 Apple Valley School District     Enrolled School: Yes     Enrolled District: Yes     Enrolled State: Yes
4: VALID_CASE      READING 2021_2022 1000372   Daniels      Corey      3         523 Partially Proficient Gender: Male  Hispanic   Free Reduced Lunch: Yes   ELL: Yes    IEP: No    Gifted and Talented Program: No          1851 Silk-Royal Elementary School Elementary             470 Apple Valley School District     Enrolled School: Yes     Enrolled District: Yes     Enrolled State: Yes
5: VALID_CASE      READING 2022_2023 1000372   Daniels      Corey      4         540 Partially Proficient Gender: Male  Hispanic   Free Reduced Lunch: Yes   ELL: Yes    IEP: No    Gifted and Talented Program: No          1851 Silk-Royal Elementary School Elementary             470 Apple Valley School District     Enrolled School: Yes     Enrolled District: Yes     Enrolled State: Yes
6: VALID_CASE      READING 2023_2024 1000372   Daniels      Corey      5         473       Unsatisfactory Gender: Male  Hispanic   Free Reduced Lunch: Yes   ELL: Yes    IEP: No    Gifted and Talented Program: No          1851 Silk-Royal Elementary School Elementary             470 Apple Valley School District     Enrolled School: Yes     Enrolled District: Yes     Enrolled State: Yes

The LONG data set sgpData_LONG also contains other personal information including student demographic characteristics. These fields are not used in the calculation of SGPs but instead for calculating numberous aggregates including school, district, and demographics summaries via summarizeSGP.

For complete SGPdata documentation, see the getting started vignette and the documentation.